There was a lot of incredible music released last week, but here at DC, we thought that three albums rose to the top. Because we are so strapped for time due to other personal and professional obligations, but are also unwilling to ignore any of our three selections, we've come up with a plan. Each album will get its own "mini review" this week - just a few words typed out as the album replays. Since marine eyes' idyll runs 39 minutes from start to finish, that's the exact amount of time we'll be taking to detail this impressive debut work.
Earlier this year, Cynthia Bernard (who records as marine eyes) curated and published a "Women of Ambient" Spotify playlist, and it was, in a word, awesome. She featured some heavy-hitters, sure, but also a number of unfamiliar names, at least to us here at DC. And this collection reminded us of something Crystal Quartez said when she was interviewed last year on the Form the Head podcast: through the ambient scene is growing, it is still largely dominated by white men. Bernard showed us through her "Women of Ambient" playlist, that while this may be the frustrating reality, it is definitely (and obviously) not for lack of talent. Sexism runs deep in the music industry, but when hearing these artists one after another showcasing wildly diverse creative pieces, one can hope for a different future, and imagine a more equitable version of recognition and appreciation in ambient music.
Her solo debut, idyll is breathtaking. There is no shortage of ambient music these days (in an era of borderline oversaturation), but three specific tracks on idyll make this album stand out from other releases. And yes, it's strange to name highlights on an ambient album, since they are often meant to bliss-out and calm, but these three songs are too good to not mention. Opener idyll is the longest construction, and perhaps the most beautiful. Roses all alone is the most vocal-forward - the title phrase unfolding, becoming more pronounced over the course of the track. And you'll find me is a stunning melody of looped Mexican Strat through a variety of pedals. It feels very much like Hotel Neon meets Liz Harris. Right up our alley here at DC, and we are so glad to have heard it.
Check it out for yourself via Bandcamp here, and listen to our favorite track below.