Update: Hey there! As of December 2023, DC is in full hibernation-mode. It's over folks, at least for now. If you're curious, you can read the text below to see what used to be the message on this page.
We welcome artists' submissions, happily promote under-the-radar music, and love to consider out-of-the-box collaborations here at DC, but please know a few things before reaching out via the email contact above:
- The writer(s) affiliated with this site work full-time jobs, and we receive far more music than we are able to process. This is simply to say you shouldn't take it personally if we do not respond to you individually, or cover your music. It says nothing about the quality of your art, of course. We just have busy professional schedules on top of other life responsibilities and passions. And hey, if you'd like to write for DC, shoot us an email. We are open to adding contributors.
- Since DC is "a space to discover new sounds," we focus primarily on new and yet-to-be released music, and not so much older material. Regarding format, we cover full-length albums and EPs, and are open to premiering singles and videos. And finally, we accept all genres of music, but know that while Nathan (who runs this site) listens to pretty much anything, he tends to gravitate towards minimalist post-classical, new age/ambient, field recording-based collage, noise, left-field folk, and experimental threads. Other contributors might be into different sounds, though, so send along anything you'd like!
- At the bottom of this page, there is a "subscribe" form we use to collect email addresses, though we are not currently circulating any communication using that contact information. Perhaps in the future there will be a newsletter, but nothing is in the works for now.
- If you desire to mail physical materials out to Portland for consideration (vinyl, cassettes, promo content, etc.), please send them to:
Nathan Yoder
5923 SE Haig. St.
Portland, OR 97206