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A space to discover new sounds

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Deepest Currents is a Portland, Oregon-based music website, focusing on new releases and general reviews, as well as cultural events happening around the Pacific Northwest. Genre coverage varies widely, highlighting everything from indie rock to experimental. Navigate to the "About Us" tab for more information and the "Contact" tab to reach out. To browse what has been written already, scan this page, visit the "New Music" or "Features" tabs, or use the search function.

Nathan Yoder
Mar 25, 2021
Recommended Listening: Ueda Takayasu - Every Clouds Call Our Name
It's sort of a miracle that we get to hear Every Clouds Call Our Name at all. Born in Hiroshima, raised in Germany and Austria, and often c

Nathan Yoder
Mar 24, 2021
Recommended Listening: Havadine Stone - Hyena
Sitting with Hyena straight through leaves the listener a bit disoriented, as Stone's art is rooted in the noisy wash of unremarkable, every

Nathan Yoder
Mar 18, 2021
Spring Sketches
DC offers up a few sounds which don't quite amount to a full playlist, but when sequenced one after another, they add some bright hues and v

Nathan Yoder
Mar 11, 2021
Recommended Listening: Whettman Chelmets - For...
Interestingly, For... begins with two fall tracks, though the album was recorded and released in spring months. These opening constructions

Nathan Yoder
Mar 10, 2021
Recommended Listening: Josh Medina - Drifting Toward the Absolute
Besides guitar, Medina utilizes synth and tape to paint these blissful creations which seem to float along through a cloudless sky. However

Nathan Yoder
Mar 10, 2021
Recommended Listening: Rhucle - Cycle
The Tokyo-based sound artist just released his album, Cycle, last Friday through the ever-excellent Aural Canyon. On it, he blends synth wa

Nathan Yoder
Mar 9, 2021
A Chat with Patrick McDermott of North Americans
North Americans is a collaborative instrumental guitar project with McDermott at the helm, and he was gracious enough to take our call a few

Nathan Yoder
Mar 4, 2021
Recommended Listening: claire rousay - a softer focus
The album feels a bit like a combination of rousay's familiar noisy inclinations blended with fresh melodic elements. There are some signat

Nathan Yoder
Mar 3, 2021
Recommended Listening: Cameron Knowler & Eli Winter - Anticipation
Cameron Knowler and Eli Winter are two masters of the six string, but arrived at these distinctions via very different routes. Knowler is a

Nathan Yoder
Mar 1, 2021
Recommended Listening: Nebel lang - Hand in mine
The album is essentially comprised of two longform improvisations (after a 19-second opening track meant to situate the listener). The firs

Nathan Yoder
Feb 25, 2021
Recommended Listening: Dylan Henner - Great Prairie Plains: Studies of American Minimalism
Great Prairie Plains is a tribute of sorts - a cover album comprised of two longform works originally written by a couple of masters of Amer

Nathan Yoder
Feb 23, 2021
Recommended Listening: Rachika Nayar - Our Hands Against The Dusk
Over eight shimmering tracks, the Brooklyn-based composer loops and layers guitar, synth, piano, strings, and vocals. But instead of the or

Nathan Yoder
Feb 22, 2021
Recommended Listening: Field Works - Cedars
On his new album, Hyatt blends familiar Americana with something wholly international. Cedars, it turns out, is a dual-language, cosmic Mid

Nathan Yoder
Feb 17, 2021
Recommended Listening: Jeffrey Silverstein - Torii Gates
Using six sonic constructions to prompt introspection, Silverstein invites us to explore personal notions of peace and wonder, while also n

Nathan Yoder
Feb 16, 2021
Recommended Listening: Federico Mosconi - Dreamers and Tides
Mosconi is an Italian guitarist well versed in multimedia composition. On his new work for Russian label, Dronarivm, he straddles space bet

Nathan Yoder
Feb 10, 2021
Recommended Listening: Chuck Johnson - The Cinder Grove
The Cinder Grove is a collection of five songs between seven and eleven minutes long. Johnson's pedal steel might be the most distinguishab

Nathan Yoder
Feb 9, 2021
Song Premiere: Juha Mäki-Patola - Steps
About the track, the artist writes, "The idea of “Steps” is based on a low and deep pedal point that creates a solid ground for a repeated p

Nathan Yoder
Feb 8, 2021
Recommended Listening: Lucy Liyou - Practice
Lucy Liyou, the Philadelphia-based, Korean-American composer and sound artist has perfectly captured this new and difficult reality on their

Nathan Yoder
Feb 4, 2021
Recommended Listening: Karima Walker - Waking the Dreaming Body
As evidenced by DC's 2020 coverage, we are big fans of Orindal's output, and while each artist on the label is absolutely unique, hints of s

Nathan Yoder
Feb 3, 2021
Recommended Listening: Andrew Tuttle & Padang Food Tigers - A Cassowary Apart
On their new collaborative album, A Cassowary Apart, these ambient musicians, separated by continents, combined forces to create something t
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